The Hormone Makeover: The 9-Step Process To Resolving Hormone Imbalances

Treating Hormone Imbalances

Are you feeling overwhelmed and hopeless because you can't seem to lose weight, control your emotions, or feel like your usual perky self?

Do you feel like your doctor is not helping you with vague explanations like "it's part of getting older"?

Feeling like this is entirely common, but it shouldn’t be normal.

Discover the 9-step process to regain vitality, sex drive, energy and sound sleep so you can finally look & feel your absolute best... even if you’ve been told “your tests are normal”. 


This Essential Blueprint Will Show You…

  • HOW to recognize common signs & symptoms of hormonal imbalances

  • The key areas to consider when maintaining hormone health, including gut health, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, stress and sleep, cardiometabolic health, mindset, emotional health & relationships.

  • HOW to find and choose the right healthcare provider for hormonal imbalances as well as BHRT

  • WHICH hormone testing is best for identifying imbalances and developing personalised treatment plans

  • WHAT you need to know about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for restoring energy, mood, and drive

Meet The London Bioidentical Hormones Team

London Bioidentical Hormones Team,

At London Bioidentical Hormones, we believe in the importance of preventative medicine, as opposed to purely curative.

We are a fully online clinic that specialises in treating a variety of hormonal imbalances with bioidentical hormones and a holistic, functional medicine approach.

We help our patients achieve the best possible results through highly personalised treatment plans to optimise their health.


Ready For Amazing Results Like These?

“Dr. Amina saw both my husband and myself. She is such a caring, patient, and understanding doctor. She did not rush us and she offered positive solutions for us both. I have already recommended two people to visit her and would return with no hesitation if I need to. Such a refreshing welcome difference to other doctors I have visited in the past.”


“Thank you so much for your time and patience at my appointment yesterday. I truly felt listened to and felt that you understood my difficulties with my current health. You didn't just look at the symptom and prescribe you took the time to look at my health holistically, which is what I hoped for. I am hopeful that my health can start to be restored with your guidance and support over the coming weeks ”

Keilly Marie

“Dr. Care and the team at London Bioidentical hormones are fantastic. I didn’t respond to the usual medical options for menopause and needed specialist support. Finding the right solutions with this brilliant teams help has given me my life back.”
